Mother’s Day Vegan Chocolate Souffles

Mother’s Day Vegan Chocolate Soufflés

Here is a great Nature’s Store solution to a vegan soufflés that all the family will enjoy. For a light gluten free and vegan dessert, look no further and follow the recipe below:


  • 200g Hazelnut & Cocoa Spread
  • 36g Vegan & gluten free egg replacer powder
  • 45ml Cold waer
  • 120g Aquafaba
  • 40g Cornflour
  • 120g Caster sugar
  • Vanilla bean paste
  • 15g Vegetable oil
  • Icing sugar to decorate
  • Cocoa powder


1. Melt the Chocolate spread in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.

2.Mix the Egg Replacer with  cold water. Sieve the cornflour into a bowl and mix with half of the sugar.

3.Add the egg  mix slowly  to the melted Chocolate spread, followed by the vanilla bean and finally the cornflour and sugar mixture.

4.Preheat the oven to 220C. Whisk  the Aquafaba until it forms stiff peaks then fold in remaining sugar. Carefully fold the beaten Aquafaba into the Chocolate mixture but do not work them together too much.

5.Grease 6 moulds or small soufflé dishes upwards and dust with the coco powder. Pour the mixture into the dishes and bake for 18-22  minutes.

6.Remove from the oven, sprinkle the soufflés with icing sugar and serve.